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Searching for OER

We are developing an OERhub in which you can search for existing OER using a facetted search and find topic-specific OER for your teaching to use.

The OERhub opens up the following possibilities for you:

  • Searching for OER across local archive systems with a facet search among the Austrian higher education sector.
  • Finding subject-relevant material

The OERhub makes it easier for you to search for subject-relevant OER in your area of teaching. In addition, you will find information on how to use subject-relevant OER on our website.

If you yourself produce high-quality, freely accessible teaching materials available in your institutional archive and thus for use via the OERhub, you can gain reputation within the respective subject community and position yourself with good teaching beyond your own university.

The OERhub is being continuously developed within the framework of our project. Currently connected to the OERhub are the OER repositories of the University of Vienna (PHAIDRA), the Graz University of Technologythe University of Graz (OER-Portal), the University of Innsbruck (OER Repositorium) and the Austrian MOOC platform iMooX. Stay tuned for upcoming news about the next OER repositories that will be connected.

How does the OERhub work?

Teachers can store and release their OER in one of the connected institutional archive systems according to the owner principle. Through the OERhub, these locally stored OER are made accessible for broad use beyond one's own institution. In this way, the central OERhub for OER from the higher education sector contributes to the national, but also international visibility of the teaching of Austrian higher education institutions.

Conceptually, a decentralised approach is pursued; the higher education institutions continue to bear responsibility for their local infrastructures (production processes, archiving). The OERhub follows the FAIR Data principles and can easily be expanded to include other universities due to its modular architecture and open interfaces. With its connection to Austrian universities, the OERhub is also DSGVO-compliant in its handling of data.

If your institution is interested in participating in the OERhub, please contact

Express your interest in participating in the OERhub

Development of the OERhub

The technical implementation of the integration of all cooperation partners and other interested universities takes place via the connection of local infrastructures (archive systems or repositories) to the OERhub.

The OERhub

  • was already developed as a pilot project in Open Education Austria (2016-2018)
  • is constantly being further developed in terms of usability
  • is accessible without barriers and complies with the mobile government strategy at the end of the project

The plugins developed are made available as open source developments, correspond to the current state of the art and use international interface standards.